Ok, so technically this isn’t a photo, but I still think it’s appropriate for this week’s challenge because in this blank page I see endless possibilities – the possibility for a fantastic novel, or for the (seemingly inevitable) crippling writer’s block that strikes whenever I actually have the time to write. Which is not very often these days.

I might blog about this soon but just in case you don’t hear from me for a little while, these are my current excuses:

  1. I have several major assignments due for Uni
  2. I am in the process of moving house
  3. Lil Miss Awesome is turning 1 in a few weeks so I have her very first birthday party to plan
  4. My mother-in-law is coming up from interstate to stay with us for said birthday party

And, of course, all of these things are happening at the same time – and during a period where Lil Miss Awesome has decided that sleeping is a waste of time! They say if you want something done, you should give it to a busy woman, but, if you want it done right you should probably give it to a well-rested busy woman who isn’t notorious for procrastination and being easily distracted…

  1. […] Weekly Photo Challenge: Possibility (confessionsofaprocrastinator.wordpress.com) […]

  2. Robin says:

    No, I think it’s quite appropriate!

  3. Jo Bryant says:

    i think it very appropriate for the venue !!!!!!!!!!!

  4. oh man I can so relate to this one. Specially the bit about getting writers block the minute you have time to write. I think i’m actually scared of blank paper and blank screens! lol

  5. Mizz says:

    I am sure Lil Miss Awesome will give you idea of what to type on that blank page!

    Oh my, you must be so darn busy…hope things went well!

  6. The Hobbler says:

    Happy birthday to your little one, and congratulations on discovering more excuses. 😉 I love the photo challenge. Very creative. Or not…I guess it depends on how you look at it.

  7. Blondzombie says:

    Cool, I always like seeing what people have in their dock, it’s kind of like sneaking a peek into there medicine cabinet when you use their bathroom. 🙂

  8. jakesprinter says:

    Great Entry for the theme 🙂

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