About Me

Hi there! Allow me to introduce myself… I am a happily married, twenty-something, part-time Uni student and full-time mummy to Lil Miss Awesome (not-quite-1-year-old) and Danger Dog (almost 3).

I am also a procrastinator – and a damn good one at that! In fact, I often wonder if I’ve always been so amazingly good at procrastinating. Is it a talent that I’ve gradually developed over a lifetime? I know for sure that I was pretty adept at it by about sixth grade but I can’t really remember any obvious examples before then. Did I learn how to procrastinate in preschool? I’m pretty un-co so I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that I’d been napping or drawing while the other kids were working on their hand-eye co-ordination. Or maybe it’s a gift that I was just born with – actually, come to think of it, I was ten days overdue so maybe I was putting things off even while I was in the womb. I can just picture me as a foetus, thinking Hmmm, today I get to meet my parents! I’ll just finish playing with this umbilical cord first…and maybe take a nap…

So anyway – in typical procrastinator fashion – I’ve decided that an excellent use of my time would be to start a blog (you can find out the real reason I started the blog here). Yes, I’m sure this is something that will hold my attention for many years to come, but just to be safe, I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for posts…

  1. The Hobbler says:

    We have a lot in common. I look forward to reading your next post…whenever you get around to writing it.

  2. Stef says:

    So far, your posts are a delight! πŸ™‚ I’m very happy you decided to stop by my blog and play for a bit, and am truly honored that you chose to subscribe as well. Thank you!

    Stef (at http://smilekiddo.wordpress.com/)

    • Thanks Stef! Well, they say smiles are contagious so I just couldn’t resist subscribing to your blog – especially when I read that you started it because a green bean told you to πŸ™‚

  3. The Hobbler says:

    I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for β€œThe Versatile Blogger Award. You can check it out at: http://wp.me/p1Cvgh-e1

  4. Nice pictures. No, really. Do they ever have a Pointless Irrelevant Picture contest?

    • Oooh I hope so – that’s a contest I’d have a chance of winning! As a chronic Procrastinator I always enjoy the opportunity to do something pointless and irrelevant πŸ˜›

      • I see now that this looked like I was calling your pictures pointless and irrelevant, rather than looking like I was switching subjects to myself and my pictures. That’s not what I meant. Your pictures are much better than irrelevant!

      • Thanks! Don’t worry, I didn’t take any offence, and I appreciate you taking the time to clear it up πŸ™‚

  5. rantonit says:

    Ahhahahaah!!! xD I saw your name and I was like , now there’s a common interest if ever. πŸ˜€

  6. procrastin8or says:

    I saw you comment on a daily post last week and I thought I would say “hello” to a fellow writer and procrastinator. But I put it off for a few days πŸ˜‰

    Nice blog by the way.

  7. I think your pictures a great and reading your posts is fun.
    So keep up the good work !

  8. Tom Elias says:

    Keep up the great blog, P!

  9. Tom Elias says:

    Oh, and thank you for the follow!

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